Other than that, I'm still working through my last quarter of the first year of my M.A. I'm really excited about the stuff I've been learning this quarter. I'm taking my Hebrew course, so I'm still learning the language. (We will actually finish the grammar next week.) On top of that I'm taking a class on the book of Genesis and another class on Ancient Near Eastern Myth and Magic. So right now I'm getting to study the stuff I want to study for the rest of my life. It's pretty much the best thing ever.
Right now, I'm working on a paper comparing the Myth of Atrahasis to the eleventh tablet of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the flood account in Genesis. Right now, I'm basically focusing on the divine motivation to destroy the earth by flood. Both the Mesopotamian accounts and the Gensis account claim that the divine motivation is peturbance. But while the Genesis account claims that God was peturbed by sin, the mesopotamian accounts claim that the gods are peturbed with noise (and over-population.) I think there's something there that could inform us about the Biblical understanding of God compared to the Mesopotamian concept of god, and I'm working on looking into that.
So, most of what's going on in my life. Sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I assume that no one really cares about the stuff I'm studying, and right now, that's really all I have to talk about. Then I realized, the stuff I'm studying is probably the most interesting stuff in the world... so I figured I'd go ahead and say a word or two about it.
That's all for now. I'll post again when I can... thanks for sticking around through the sparse updates!!!
And as a special treat:
So there you have it! I'm getting to the point where I can look at those ancient Sumerian/Babylonian/Assyrian cylinder seals, and know what I'm looking at! Just so long as I don't have to read the Sumerian or Akkadian... that comes next.