Monday, November 06, 2006

Autumn Walk

Dave, Erin and their daughter Ella came over last weekend, and we took a beautiful walk through the neighborhood. It was a bit chilly out, but the day was just so beautiful we had to get outsidef for a minute or two. It had rained most of the day, but then the sun cleared out the clouds, and it was a gorgeous golden autumn day outside with the wet leaves clinging brightly to the sidewalk and asphalt. So, we bundled up little Ella and went out into the street for a moist, brisk walk through the streets of Wheeling.

Then it started hailing like crazy and we dashed inside covering our faces and shouting about how badly it hurt when the hail struck our frozen ears.

Here are some pictures I took before the biblical hailstorm struck.

Ella does a great impersonation of somebody whistling. Listen closely... she's just too freakin' cute.

Oh! While I'm at it: Take a look at Ella's little video. Can you tell Dave's a Steelers fan? (I'll forgive him.)

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