Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

You know how everyone gets fifteen minutes of fame? I just found out what mine is. Curious? Just do a Google image search for snails, or baby snails. Oh, and be sure to read the caption under the photo. Go ahead. You'll laugh, I don't mind.

I just realized that's the source of about 100 hits on my blog each week. Sure, it's a little embarrassing but you know what they say, "Any publicity is good publicity." Right?


Tim and Deane said...

I did a google image search, but nothing came up about you. maybe you're making your way to the bottom of the listings

Joshua said...

@ Mom: I realized it depends on if your security settings are high. Mine are set to default and it works. If the settings are at high, the image doesn't come up. Apparently my blog has porn on it somewhere.

@ Tim: I think you meant Yum.

Klempa said...

I think you should get baby snails tattooed in the same spot where the baby snails were. It would be like when people in jail get those teardrop tattoos for the people they murder.

Joshua said...

KLEMPA! Man I love that you checked my blog! It's great to hear from you. Oh, and just so you know, I'm drawing up that sweet Tat as we speak. I'll let you know when it's finished. Heck, I'll let you draw it on me if that will bring you out to Chicago.

Tim and Deane said...

oh noooooo. Not another tatoo!!!!

Klempa said...

I will gladly draw that tattoo on you back as long as you show me a good time in Chicago, if I ever make it there. I also told everyone I work with this story to much laughter and grossing out.

Also, I have a blog now and am totally pimping yours out over on it.