Saturday, July 11, 2009

Big Girl Bed

Until tonight, when it came time for Norah to go to sleep, we'd put her in a pack-and-play, or in her crib. Both of those devices are really just pretty words used to describe roofless baby-cages. When you put your kid to bed in the crib, you know she's not going to do anything for the rest of the night, except maybe vomit on everything in a twelve foot diameter. But, at least she's safe. At least she can't get out and rummage around through her books or tear her alphabet poster off the wall and stomp on it like an enormous cockroach. She's not going to do a nose dive off of the foot board and go crashing face first into the radiator cover, because she's surrounded by teeny little hippos and bunnies and froggies in her pretty little baby-cage.

Tonight, everything changes. Norah's in her big girl bed for the first time, which means Rach and I are anticipating not sleeping very much at all tonight. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes, and well if I were Norah, and tonight was the first time in my life that I could finally get out of bed and do absolutely anything I wanted in my room all night long... well, you can bet I'd take advantage of my first night out of the slammer. I'd probably tie all my stuffed animals together, rip the pages out of every book I own, and climb as high as I possibly could onto my bookshelf to see if I could jump onto my bed from there.

I'm hoping we tuckered Norah out well enough, but I'm fairly certain she'll be up and rousing around her room at three in the morning. And you know, the more I think about it... I can get up and wander around my room at any ungodly hour... why don't I take advantage of that? That's it. I'm totally going to make a fort in the bath tub at four in the morning, why haven't I thought of this before now?


P.S. Does anyone know how annoying it is to have a misquito bite on the underside of your chin? Sucky.


Erin Lowmaster said...

I got a good laugh out of your picture!

Good luck with the Big Girl bed. We are about to go through that too with our 13 month old. ( She's pretty advanced (early walker 8 months) and climbing everything!)

Joshua said...

Oh wow... she is moving fast. The picture wasn't mine however, I just found it somewhere on the internet. I think I googled "baby cage" or something like that. Enjoy the transition to the big girl bed!