Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I love Jesus but I Drink a Little

I saw the following clip from the Ellen DeGeneres show the other day and, well, I was laughing out loud so hard that snot flew out of my nose and splattered on the computer screen. So, you've been warned.



Rachel Elek said...

I saw this the day it aired and loved it!

Jenny and Matt said...

I've seen her call Gladys several times and it is always projectile snot worthy.

Joshua said...

YAY! I need to go see if I can find other videos of Ellen calling Gladys now. She has a website, did you know that? It's pretty neat, just Google: I love Jesus but I Drink a Little and it should be the first hit.

Good times.

Tim and Deane said...

Just hysterical!! I had to go looking for more Ellen and Gladys clips.

Unknown said...

I remember seeing that when it was new (maybe a year ago or 2?) and it's SOOO Classic!! Let's make t-shirts that say that....

Unknown said...

um, jk about that... on gladys' website they do have tshirts. I might have to buy one.

Jim Elek said...

i never thought that i would be able to laugh while ellen was on, i was wrong, but i would liek to point out that ellen wasn't funny, so i still golden