Rachel and I went to Madison on a whim last Sunday and stayed there for Labor Day. We had a lot of fun just chillaxing with Tim and a very, very pregnant Marisa. I don't know how she stands up, let alone does everything she does. She's nuts.
Anyway, because our camera hasn't been working, we haven't been able to post many pictures up on the blog. Tim, on the other hand, not only has a functioning camera, but has a very nice, functioning camera. As a result, we have some fun photos from the weekend that I figured I'd post here. The first is currently my favorite photo of Norah to date. It sort of sums up the goofy zany personality she's been developing. I seriously love hanging out with the little girl. She's just so fun, and she's getting to be more and more of a clown every day. She's just a ham. Anyway, here are the pictures.

Here's that goofy face I was telling you about. Tim thinks she looks like Grandpa here. Ha!

When I first put this on her, I was surprised she didn't just rip it off. Then, she did.

Pick a hand! Any hand!

This cute moment was a second before Norah grabbed Rachel's hair and started pulling like she was trying to yank a horse out of the mud.

She thinks it's funny if you rub your hair in her face. Apparently she also thinks it's funny if you rub your mostly bald scalp in her face.


One of her many moments of tackling an adult. Norah's new favorite game.

I see you!

Tackling an adult again.
After writing this I found out that my Brother and Sister-in-law who we went to see in Madison, just went to the hospital because her water broke. Which means, I'm about to have a niece or a nephew! Yippee!
GREAT pictures! What a cutie! (Norah, that is)
She does look like your dad in the second picture. Yah for Tim and Marisa. Keep us posted on the baby details.
where are the new baby pics? I heard it was a boy? is there a name yet? other stats? i'm so inpatient!!!
i meant impatient really...
WHATTUP! I love the pictures. Your daughter is really pretty.
Soon I'm going to be a pregnant lady that people wonder how I stand up. When you're this short, there's nowhere for the peanut to grow but out. Super! 13 weeks along today. Holler.
Gretch! YAY! Congrats friend! We really need to get in touch sometime. I miss your antics.
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