Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Lion's Market?

I saw this today in class. I did not know, but apparently on Oct. 29th, some Christians gathered to pray for the economy. Now, I'm not against praying for the economy, but I can't believe someone decided it would be good idea to symbolize that prayer by laying hands on a bronze bull. Remind you of anything? I have so many things to say about this, but really, I think the image speaks for itself. Here's a link to the full story straight from the... uh... horse's? mouth.

It's not technically a golden calf, but...


Tim and Deane said...

There is nothing new under the sun.

These are Christians? How can it be taht none of them saw the correlation?

Does this follow with a reintroduction of the ten commandments?

Joshua said...

Yeah, the article is on the 700 club. These are pretty much your mainstream evangelical Christians... not to say that all evangelical Christians are like that, but apparently some of them are.