Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Two weeks ago, I visited with my old friend Mandy Hooper, her husband Matt and their four children. It was a really wonderful time. I haven't seen Matt and Mandy in quite a long time (aside from the wedding, but that was a blur.) And I haven't seen their kids in forever either. The eldest girl, Emily, is very fun for me to be around because I knew her when she was a baby. To know her now, in THIRD GRADE!!, is a real gift. The Hoopers are a wonderful family, and I really love the opportunity to sit down and eat with them if I can. It's just enough craziness to be a bit over the top, Ben is chasing someone with a sword, Emily is reading a book, or writing a dissertation or some other equally no-other-kid-alive-enjoys-doing-that-at-her-age thing, Madelyn is yelling at some imaginary woodblock friend, and two year old Connor is drinking coffee in the corner... and then they break out a chocolate fountain for dipping. I'm pretty much not exaggerating. It's a blast. Then the kids go to bed and we play Taboo until Rachel's throat is hoarse. But the guys win, and Rach and I go home.

Here's pics.


Anonymous said...

Um...I'm pretty sure that the girls won. Right Rachel?!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely because Matthew Andrew Hooper cheated and admitted to it later! (I don't know Matt's middle name but everything is more effective if you use full names!)


Anonymous said...

He did cheat! Josh says "a male actor" and Matthew TIMOTHY Hooper says "Richard Gear". Whatever, nobody guesses Richard Gear. Especially on the first guess. Besides we (we being the girls) played the game right, we screwed up a lot and laughed a lot, which means we are better than those boys who took the game way to seriously!

Joshua said...

I think you meant we took the game way TOO seriously.

You missed an O.

Doesn't really matter though, because even if we take a point away for the Richard Gear foul up, we still beat you by forty-eight points.

The word your looking for is landslide.

Anonymous said...

You just couldn't let the "o" slide could you?
And I do not think landslide is the proper term, and of course right now off the top of my head I cannot think of what the proper term should be, I'll get back to you on that!

Anonymous said...

I believe the word you are looking for is YOU'RE - you need to proof read your comments before sass me about my incorrect grammar.

And back to the landslide thing I thought of the proper terminology: you beat us by a scant margin, barely perceptable to the naked eye, a sliver really. Right Rachel?!

Anonymous said...

Those were my exact thoughts!


Anonymous said...

While you're correcting things, it's Richard Gere. Sorry, dude.


Joshua said...

Crap. I hate it when people mix up You're, your and yins. Or there, their, and they're.

But I could care less if anyone screws up Richard Gearerxsdkkfiowng's name. Becuase he's never done anything.