Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Norah's Blog

Well, seeing as almost all of the Eleks keep in touch over Blog. Norah decided to join the bandwagon, and has started a blog of her own. You can check it out at:

Tell her hello!


Joshua said...

No one ever leaves me any comments, and it hurts my feelings alot of the times. I mean, I really love to get comments but you guys just don't seem to love me anymore.

I remember when my mom would even leave me a comment, but I don't think even she loves me these days...

I am going to go sled riding on a piece of 80 grit sandpaper, naked in the alps...we'll see what happens when I wipe out, then I will show you guys!!! Maybe then you will care enough to leave me a comment!!!!!

Joshua said...

Thanks again Tim.